Monday, September 20, 2010

Doom II - The Demon's Dead

Doom II - The Demon's Dead

Doom II is probably one of the worst sequels to a game ever. I say this only because in terms of what we know as PC gaming today, it'd be much closer to what we think of as an expansion pack. The vast majority of the assets are reused and very little has been added outside of the Super Shotgun and some new monsters. So as I said, it's much closer to an expansion than the sequel that most people would have expected if the games came out today. The only element of the game that was entirely new, aside from the new stages, was the music. Unsurprisingly, they drew again from the heavy metal scene to come up with about half the score. One of my favorite tracks, The Demon's Dead is actually derived from a Black Sabbath song that came out around the same time. It turns out that Black Sabbath continued to make music after Heaven and Hell.

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