Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jazz Jackrabbit - Orbitus

Jazz Jackrabbit - Orbitus

This is a cool song.

Jazz Jackrabbit was one of the few computer games I played back in the day and I really loved it. The blend of Sonic the Hedgehog speed and level style and run'n'gun gameplay was pretty much ideal at my young age. I've gone back to the game recently through the miracles of DOSBox and discovered that Jazz Jackrabbit was probably never a good game. The stage design is all over the place and Jazz's speed is counter-intuitive to the shooting. That said, I still managed to have some fun with it. While the gameplay may be bad, the music is mostly pretty great and I say this with no nostalgia. This song though, Orbitus, is all about the nostalgia. There's no way I could listen to it and not go back 15 years.

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